冷やもり中華 太郎ちゃん@田町

I had to go to the hospital during my lunch break to get some medicine.I actually wanted to eat hot ramen, but I didn’t have time, so I went to the cold ramen shop next door.

Even though it was lunchtime, I was alone in the restaurant.

The recommended way to eat it.

I was put off by the pre-made dipping sauce and pre-boiled noodles.

When I tried it, the noodles were soggy and the dipping sauce was completely unremarkable.

So, it’s been a while since I’ve criticized this place so harshly. I guess their concept is to have something that you can eat casually and quickly, but if they’re going to call it Chinese, I wanted to eat some decent Chinese noodles. Unfortunately, I don’t know what they’re aiming for.
